Serving Those Who Serve

Serving Those Who Serve

We serve IDF Heroes!

We serve IDF Heroes!

Donate now so we can continue to serve!

Donate now so we can continue to serve!

What is Grilling for Israel?

Welcome to Grilling for Israel – where love, care, and freshly grilled meals bring comfort to our heroes. Founded in 2020 amidst challenging times, we’ve since served over 107,000 meals to IDF soldiers and displaced families across Israel. Our mission is more than just food; it’s about showing unwavering support and boosting the morale of those who protect and those in need.

Grilling for Israel

A Short Message

On October 7th, 2023, an unfortunate turn of events occurred, reshaping the lives of Jewish people in Israel and across the globe.The reprehensible acts of terror committed by Hamas, evoking a level of evil not witnessed since the Holocaust, prompted an unprecedented response from the Israeli Defence Forces (“IDF”).

In a single day, the IDF mobilized more reserves than at any point since the establishment of Israel, calling upon our children, spouses, brothers, and sisters in the thousands. The nation swiftly sprang into action, deploying all available resources.

Since its establishment in 2020, Grilling for Israel has been on a mission to serve our IDF Heroes and displaced families with love and respect, symbolizing our unwavering support and care. Over the past 15 weeks, our dedicated team has worked tirelessly around the clock to provide cooked food to our soldiers during their most critical times. This formidable task required the collaboration of hundreds of amazing volunteers, dedicated drivers, and sponsors. Despite the challenges, we successfully provided nourishment to thousands of soldiers across Israel each week, a testament to the groundwork laid over the last three years. Since 10-08-2023 we have served over 107,000 meals. From Mitzpe Ramon, to Har Dov, From The Gush to Kissufim.

As we navigate through the ongoing challenges of war and strive to restore a semblance of normalcy, Grilling for Israel is transitioning back to its original mission—bringing joy and fresh food to our soldiers through on-location grilling. Additionally, we are excited to announce an expansion of our mission to include Grilling for Displaced Families. Our dedicated team is diligently working to facilitate this transition and build upon our initial objectives.

We are enthusiastic about the next stage of this crucial mission and sincerely hope you share in our excitement. Your continued support is invaluable, and we remain steadfast in our commitment to making a positive impact on the lives of those we serve.

All the best,
The Grilling for Israel Team (aka Grilling for IDF)

On October 7th, 2023, an unfortunate turn of events occurred, reshaping the lives of Jewish people in Israel and across the globe.The reprehensible acts of terror committed by Hamas, evoking a level of evil not witnessed since the Holocaust, prompted an unprecedented response from the Israeli Defence Forces (“IDF”).

In a single day, the IDF mobilized more reserves than at any point since the establishment of Israel, calling upon our children, spouses, brothers, and sisters in the thousands. The nation swiftly sprang into action, deploying all available resources.

Since its establishment in 2020, Grilling for Israel has been on a mission to serve our IDF Heroes and displaced families with love and respect, symbolizing our unwavering support and care. Over the past 15 weeks, our dedicated team has worked tirelessly around the clock to provide cooked food to our soldiers during their most critical times. This formidable task required the collaboration of hundreds of amazing volunteers, dedicated drivers, and sponsors. Despite the challenges, we successfully provided nourishment to thousands of soldiers across Israel each week, a testament to the groundwork laid over the last three years. Since 10-08-2023 we have served over 107,000 meals. From Mitzpe Ramon, to Har Dov, From The Gush to Kissufim.

As we navigate through the ongoing challenges of war and strive to restore a semblance of normalcy, Grilling for Israel is transitioning back to its original mission—bringing joy and fresh food to our soldiers through on-location grilling. Additionally, we are excited to announce an expansion of our mission to include Grilling for Displaced Families. Our dedicated team is diligently working to facilitate this transition and build upon our initial objectives.

We are enthusiastic about the next stage of this crucial mission and sincerely hope you share in our excitement. Your continued support is invaluable, and we remain steadfast in our commitment to making a positive impact on the lives of those we serve.

All the best,
The Grilling for Israel Team (aka Grilling for IDF)

What We Do

We serve thousands of IDF Heroes with love and respect. We honor them by standing with them to show how much we care. In 2021 alone we served over 1,500 IDF soldiers! In 2022 we served approximately 3,500 IDF Soldiers and in the first Seven months of 2023 we have already served more than 5,000 Soldiers.

We make sure that our IDF soldiers are served the best BBQ dinners possible and your 501c3 tax deductible direct support and involvement ensures that we will continue to feed thousands of IDF heroes each year.

We motivate them with love and affection, showing them just how much we truly care and stand with them. We raise their morale by showing them how much we care about them.

This is YOUR opportunity and our mutual honor to serve the IDF heroes of Israel.​

Latest News & Events

Stay updated with our mission’s impact and join us at upcoming BBQ events. Each gathering is a unique opportunity to support, volunteer, and witness the joy we bring together. Check out our Events page for more details.


Hear from the hearts we’ve touched. IDF soldiers share their gratitude, volunteers recount their transformative experiences, and community members reflect on the joy of participation. Your support makes these stories possible.

Hear from the hearts we’ve touched. IDF soldiers share their gratitude, volunteers recount their transformative experiences, and community members reflect on the joy of participation. Your support makes these stories possible.

Keith Mendelson

“We were so grateful for the opportunity to participate in some small way – to enhance one day in the lives of our brothers and sisters in Israel, all enabled by this tireless group who take the time – – – literally every day – – – to make a difference in the lives of those who are suffering, and give ongoing chizuk to our Chayalim and Chayalot as well, of course.”

IDF Unit Commander

“We simply wanted to say thank you.

Thank you!

You are warming our hearts. You are giving us strength, you are strengthening our soldiers and according to me you are fighting this war with us.

There were only leftovers because we were completely full and we can’t look at any more steak because we are so full!

Thank You!”

Rachel Bressler

“Thank you for everything this evening. My heart is fuller than their stomachs if that is even possible :)! I’m inspired by your drive, execution, and tenacity. Hashem should continue blessing you with everything you need to keep helping klal yisroel ad 120!”